Event Series Virtual Coffee Hour

Virtual Coffee Hour

Please join us immediately following the online worship service for a virtual coffee hour. https://zoom.us/j/965695844?pwd=MGsvaDdEeXhMUHJMYTM0OG8rd0VHZz09 (copy and paste the link into your browser)

Event Series Virtual Coffee Hour

Virtual Coffee Hour

Please join us immediately following the online worship service for a virtual coffee hour. https://zoom.us/j/965695844?pwd=MGsvaDdEeXhMUHJMYTM0OG8rd0VHZz09 (copy and paste the link into your browser)

Virtual Coffee Hour

Please join us immediately following the online worship service for a virtual coffee hour. https://zoom.us/j/965695844?pwd=MGsvaDdEeXhMUHJMYTM0OG8rd0VHZz09 (copy and paste the link into your browser)