Becoming Involved

The best way to decide if the Meeting House is your spiritual home is to start to get involved. These are just some of the many ways:

  • Sign in at the Welcome Table: to hear from a minister or receive our e-newsletter
  • Fill out a Find Your Connection pew card
  • Join an Adult Program: check our online calendar or E-news
  • Learn more about Unitarian Universalism by attending various
    programs offered during the year. They will be listed in the E-news
  • Join a Connection Circle and explore core questions about living in this
    world with a small group of UU members. Usually 7 – 8 week long sessions.
  • Come to a Friday Night Pizza and a Movie
  • Join the Choir
  • Become a greeter

It’s easy to get started. Just talk to any member of our Welcoming team, a staff member or one of our Worship Associates about your interests. Or, fill out one of the forms to the right. We’ll make sure you find the right connections!  To learn more look at our recent newsletters.

The USH Sunday Welcome Team 
The Welcome Team makes 
USH outstanding in its open and friendly atmosphere and helps newcomers find their way around our Meeting House on Sundays. Choose your Sundays based on your schedule! Duties include: welcoming messages in the chat during our Zoom worship services.  When we are in the building, our Welcome Team duties involve Front and Side Door Greeters before the Sunday Service, Ushers, and Greeting folks at the Welcome Table before the service, and the Downstairs Visitors Table during coffee hour.  Contact, phone the office at 860-233-9897 x100

An Invitation to Join the Choir
The music ministry is in the process of further building the choir. Sam would like to extend an invitation to members and friends of the congregation who are thinking, or have ever  thought about, singing with the choir. Anyone interested in singing with the choir, please contact Sam via email at
Office Volunteers
If you are computer-comfortable and familiar with Microsoft Word, Gmail, and data entry, the office is in need of you. How you can help: Inserting the Happenings/Orders of Service into the cover, making name tags, basic updates to printed materials on the computer, making copies of printed materials. Please let our Office Administrator know if you’re able to help out in the office during the week for an hour or two: email or call 860-233-9897 x100.
Pictured: Phil and Harriet Gardner with their son Bruce, helping out with the Order of Service.
Connection Circle Host, Advisor or Facilitator
If you have participated in a Connection Circle, you might be a be interested in being trained as a Facilitator.  Facilitator training  involves an afternoon of formal training plus working with mentors who can advise you on your first couple of Connection Circle assignments. Or maybe you’d be willing to host a Connection Circle group in your home. You could also help select readings as an Connection Circle advisory group member who works with the facilitator. 
The Book Table During Coffee Hour
Everybody enjoys browsing through the books for sale during coffee hour. In order to continue, we are in need of some help setting them up and putting them away. Please contact Susan Hope at or 860-463-6407.