Adult & Family Programs

The Adult & Family Programs Sub-Council provides lectures, classes, workshops and other offerings for continued spiritual growth, religious learning, and community fellowship. Programs are intended to be of broad appeal while meeting the particular needs of groups where practical and appropriate.

The sponsors of these classes, programs and events affirm the Society’s anti-discriminatory position by offering them at a range of times and in accessible locations, accommodating special needs as a standard practice and welcoming all individuals and families.

Information about various programs may be found on the programs table in Fellowship Hall.

To register for a program or event, contact the designated person in charge of the event.

To propose a program see Adult-Program-Steps-and-Program-Management.


Adult and family programs can:

  • help us get and keep our balance and put our beliefs into action;
  • challenge participants to experience new ideas on the path of spiritual exploration; 
  • provide practice in the transformative skill of deep listening;
  • help clarify a sense of Unitarian Universalist identity and calling.

We would love to hear from you. What sort of group are you interested in? Would you like to facilitate a group?