Councils and Subcouncils

USH could not operate without the dedicated support of its volunteers, who donate tremendous amounts of time and as well as their many talents. We have organized our efforts in Councils that oversee large areas of concern and smaller subcouncils, which address individual functions or projects.


Section 1. Six Councils shall further the mission of the Society:

  • Council on Administration
  • Council on the Community Within
  • Council on Social Justice
  • Council on Finance
  • Council on Membership
  • Council on Spiritual Life.

Section 2. Each of the six Councils shall be composed of:

  1.  A chair elected to a two-year term. The chair of a Council shall serve no more than two consecutive terms.
  2.  The Treasurer shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Council on Finance.
  3. Three to five other members appointed by the Chair [of each council].

Section 3. Each Council may form and appoint members to sub-councils that it deems appropriate to the fulfillment of its responsibilities.

Section 4. Each Council shall submit quarterly written reports to the Board of Directors describing the activities of the Council and its sub-councils and the income and expenses relative to its annual budget.

Additional information about the Council Structure can be found in the Members and Friends Directory. Log in to view