Event Series Book Club – Zoom

Book Club – Zoom

The USH Book Club meets from 2:30 - 4 PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month, September through June, either on Zoom or occasionally as a hybrid meeting.  If you would like to participate in a discussion of the book and related issues, please contact Ginny Allen at fiddlenurse1@gmail.com.  An email with the Zoom link will […]

Event Series Big Bob’s Blowout Bible Bonanza

Big Bob’s Blowout Bible Bonanza

THE BIBLE. You’ve heard about it. Maybe you’ve read about it – or bits of it. You’ve seen people use passages from it to justify all kinds of terrible things: controlling women’s bodies, Christian hegemony, war and violence, the slave trade. You know it’s been an influence on so many people who have been an […]

Pizza and a Movie – Fellowship Hall

Logistics: We begin assembling at 5 for popcorn and soda/lemonade/tea and mingling; the pizza arrives at 5:30. Generally, we plan to start the movie by 6:30 (or as close as we're able). Sign up and pay (cash or check — for the pizza) during Coffee Hour — see Janice Newton at the Caring Network table. $15* covers pizza, salad, […]

Sing Along – Meditation Sanctuary

Meeting House Sing-Along – Third Saturdays Contact: Fred Louis FlLouis@yahoo.com or Ed Savage 860-966-8155 (cell) EdSavage03@yahoo.com Join us at the next Meeting House Sing-Along. Fred Louis and Ed Savage are offering an opportunity to CT Singing families, singers, song-writers, and audience members to join in song on the third Saturday of each month from 2 […]