Let Your Voice Be Heard About Sweeping Changes to UUA Bylaws Judy Robbins
The UUA is radically revising the Unitarian Universalist Bylaws this year. The purpose of the Unitarian Universalist Association has always been to support member congregations. The proposed new purpose of the UUA will be to “equip congregations for vital ministry, to support and train leaders…to heal historic inequities…” There is no mention of support for congregations. The familiar Principles and Sources are gone in this proposal. Take a look at our current Principles and Sources here:
Principles and Sources | Faith like a River | Faith Like a River | Tapestry of Faith | UUA.org
Then compare that with the proposed replacement. It seems that there have been several published drafts of this wording. The latest wording is
Judy Robbins and Laura Stewart Cipriano will co-facilitate an information/discussion session on these proposed changes to Article II following the service this Sunday in Fellowship Hall. This session will be open to virtual attendees via Zoom; please come, educate yourself, and then register your comments on the changes through the feedback form link above.