Article II

At the Unitarian Society of Hartford Annual Meeting on May 19, the congregation elected GA delegates and voted overwhelmingly to resit attempts to revise Article II of the UUA Bylaws. In June 2024, the revision was approved at the UUA General Assembly.

Watch and Share the Video of the Proposed Article II Revision of the UUA Bylaws.

On January 21, 2024, USH hosted a Teach-In on the proposed Revision to Article II of the UUA Bylaws. This Revision recasts the familiar Seven Principles and eliminates our Sources among other key changes. These changes will impact all congregants and you are urged to watch this educational video presented by Judy Robbins from USH and Carol Lacoss from the Unitarian Universalist Society East of Manchester, CT.

Video link:  The recording has been split into 3 Parts and edited for clarity. Article II of the UUA Bylaws details the purpose of the Association and the covenant among its member congregations. It is where the Sources and Principles are articulated. The proposed revision changes the purpose of the UUA and converts the Principles into Values.  More information here: