Meeting House Presents Calan Thursday night

Upstairs Lobby/Sanctuary/Fellowship Hall/Kitchen/Meditation Room

Concerts are at 50 Bloomfield Ave. at 7:00 pm. This is a Thursday night concert. Our email includes concert announcements, updates, and info about folk music events in the area. Subscribe to Meeting House Presents by  sending an email message to Put “subscribe” in the subject line. We send one or two emails each […]

Session Two: USH Emergency Preparedness

Sanctuary and Library

Session Two of a two-session Emergency Prep Safety Planning,  facilitated by Cressy Goodwin at no charge. The two sessions are different. Although it is better to attend one session than to miss them both, it is best to attend both sessions. At sessions one and two we will describe the framework for a policy that […]

Event Series Artists Way Library/ZOOM

Artists Way Library/ZOOM

Group Name: Artist's Way Meeting Day: Mondays Meeting Dates: Oct 17th, Oct. 24th, Oct. 31st, Nov.7th, Nov.14th, Nov. 21st, Nov. 28th, Ded. 5th, Dec. 12th, Dec.19th Location: Zoom and USH Library Time: 6:30-8:30 Contact: Dianna Heymann at Open detailed view

HGMC Fellowship Hall rehearsal/choreography

5-10 people for stage blocking of scenes and choreography. 10/18, 10/19, 10/25, 10/26 6:30-8:30pm Contact: Robert Reader  at