Twilight Fire Circle
Yule Celebration
Saturday, December 16, 2023
Held at the Unitarian Society of Hartford
50 Bloomfield Ave, Hartford, CT
Gathering begins at 3PM
Join us in joyful celebration of the return of the light!
There will be a Yankee grab bag. If able please bring a wrapped gift of $15.00 or
less. As always, ritual will be followed by a potluck dinner. Everyone is welcome
to bring a dish to share with others. Neither a gift nor a dish is required to join us in celebration
We want to remember those who are less fortunate than us. We will be
collecting donations of canned or dry goods for the Horace Bushnell Food
Pantry in Hartford. Please, give from your heart as you are able.
Remember that everyone with an open heart is welcome to our celebration.
If all you can bring is yourself – then – so mote it be! Feast and be merry!